1080 kr
4 in stock
4 in stock
Powerful plant-based vitamin complex
Food supplements that provide you with all the synergistic vitamins you need every day. Also contains 17 amino acids and a mix of colloidal trace minerals. With 120 different fruits, berries, herbs, mushrooms and vegetables, the antioxidants skyrocket, giving the product an ORAC value of over 8000 per serving. All ingredients are natural.
- Powder mixed with water
- Readily absorbable
- Contains plant-derived colloidal trace elements
- Does not need to be refrigerated
- Can be mixed in shaker with Laddad and fatty acids
0,75 scoop Livlig
6 dl of water
Do the following
Mix with 4-6 dl of water in a shaker.
Shake and drink!

How Livlig do you want to be?
Nutrients in food are not naturally isolated, but rather in synergy with other nutrients and enzymes. Synergy occurs when an interaction produces effects that are greater than the individual effects alone.
Nature is amazing in how it is structured and balanced. In each raw material, the nutrients live in synergy. Milk contains enzymes that help your body break down lactose. Vitamin-rich fruits contain several substances that promote the absorption of the fruit’s nutrients.
Nutrition in its natural form is organized in synergy. One substance supports the absorption of the other in the consumer of the fruit or vegetable. All nutrients need others to be absorbed and used in the body. Moreover, most nutrients are in nature balanced with each other.
This makes it easier for the body to absorb them. This is why it is more difficult to get good results when taking pills with individual nutrients, the synergists are missing.
Related studies and articles
U.S. Army Research Institute study on the important role of iodine in regulating key physiological functions, including metabolism and brain development and function in children and adults.
Review of recently published studies focusing on the recurring problem of iodine deficiency as a global concern and reduced intake among populations in developed countries
Oregon State University discusses the international effort to eradicate iodine deficiency and also mentions doses of iodine used in some studies.