Lena Gummesson
Practicing Metatron Therapist
E-mail address
Days available in clinic
Functional medicine therapist
Diet & Nutrition Therapist
Optimization coach
Teacher of Mindfulness, MediYoga and Breathwork
Personal Trainer
Lena is a practitioner - choose Tuesdays
What Lena said about her efforts
Nice reception and educational explanation during the treatment. Very interesting results that emerged. Will be exciting to follow the development!
It was very interesting! Knowledgeable therapist with a nice treatment. (Fatigue, swollen stomach/body, brain fatigue, night sweats, restlessness.)
Meet Lena
When you choose Whole Body Scanning PRACTICE, you get the same protocol completed as a Certified Therapist performs. The difference is that during their practice period, the therapist scans slightly more slowly.
Therefore, as a thank you for supporting our practicing therapist, you will receive this EXTRA:
* A contribution of SEK 1,000 at the time of the visit and
* An additional gift, worth SEK 500.