Priority booking Stockholm

Priority booking closes if


We have a number of places for priority booking so please understand if there are not enough places for everyone.

What does your body want to tell you?

  • Do you feel tired, despite normal blood tests?
  • Are you experiencing pain for no reason?
  • Do you need answers to why you are not at your best?

At the Neoclinic, we look for the reason why you are not at your best. We do not treat symptoms, but address the root cause of the problem.

With us, we let your body tell us what it needs to come into balance. To get the answers, we do a full body scan with Metatron Hospital.

Full body scanning

The full body scan collects information on:

Based on the reading, we give you concrete suggestions to solve the problems identified.

We also stimulate the body’s natural healing process on this occasion. A first visit takes just under 2 hours.

Helkroppsavläsning Praktik

How does it work?

The Metatron reading is a painless, non-invasive process that measures changes in the energy levels of cells.

Using trigger sensors placed on your head, your body signals are compared with a comprehensive database of pathogens and healthy organs.

Metatron is backed by over 50 years of research and studies showing how accurate the reading is.
If you want to read some of the studies, you can do so here.

From cause to result

When you leave the Neoclinic after your first visit, you will have been informed about the causes of your symptoms and concrete measures to improve your health.

What do clients say?