Andreas Elf
Practicing Metatron Therapist
Days available in clinic
- osteopath
- craniosacral therapist
- trauma therapist
Andreas is a Practitioner - choose Fridays
What Andreas said about his work
Thank you Andreas My sleep is so much better and my bowels are now fine. Hard to understand, but it has helped me ❤️

Thorough examination that showed what could be at the root of my problems. My symptoms such as cough and hoarseness are unfortunately not yet gone but now I have an idea of what I can start searching for.

The visit was a huge eye-opener. In a clear and professional manner, I was able to gain knowledge about myself that I had been ignoring. I was given clear instructions verbally and in writing, so that my health can improve over time. It wasn't easy at first, but after a few days with the new diet, I got the hang of it. Everyone should do this.

Good conversation and got good answers to my questions.

It was exciting to get a full body scan and to be able to see so much.

I find it a bit exciting! Hard to understand!!!

Incredibly interesting

It will be exciting to see what this brings!

This customer review reflects the personal experience and results of an individual customer. Effects may vary from person to person, and Neokliniken cannot guarantee similar results for others. Treatments at the Neokliniken should not be seen as a substitute for medical advice or treatment from a licensed healthcare professional.
Meet Andreas
When you choose Whole Body Scanning PRACTICE, you get the same protocol completed as a Certified Therapist performs. The difference is that during their practice period, the therapist scans slightly more slowly.
Therefore, as a thank you for supporting our practicing therapist, you will receive this EXTRA:
* A contribution of SEK 1,000 at the time of the visit and
* An additional gift, worth SEK 500.